The Profit Builder Unscripted
Welcome to "The Profit Builder Unscripted" - a podcast dedicated to helping construction industry leaders transform their businesses and rediscover the passion in their work. This show is tailored for construction business owners and leaders who are looking to boost their bottom line, develop strong, ownership-driven teams, and revitalize their love for the craft. Each episode of "The Profit Builder Unscripted" dives into the critical aspects of growing and managing a profitable construction business. We cover everything from financial management and goal setting to fostering a culture of accountability and innovation within your teams. Our discussions focus on practical strategies and tools that you can implement immediately to see tangible improvements in your business operation.
The Profit Builder Unscripted
Reclaim Your Power: Shift Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Ever catch yourself in a frustrating moment, ready to blame someone else for your mood?
I've been there too! In this episode, I share a personal revelation that changed everything for me: the power of shifting our thinking to transform our lives.
In this episode I share a personal story about a recent conflict with my husband that led to an unexpected revelation.
By digging deeper into my own thoughts and feelings, I uncovered the real source of my frustration – and it wasn't what I initially thought.
I’ve learned that this simple practice leads to more meaningful conversations and stronger relationships, both at home and at work.
It's not about assigning blame, but about reclaiming your power to respond differently.
Ready to explore how changing your thinking can lead to a more fulfilling life? Join me in this episode as we dive deeper into the transformative power of personal responsibility and self-reflection!
- Want to increase your profitability? Grab my book “The Profit Bleed.“
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- Want employees to take more ownership? Check out our course - “Build Your Dream Team.”
- Are you struggling to hire the right people? Check out our “Contractors Hiring Blueprint” course.
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welcome back to the profit Builder unscripted today we're talking about how do you start to notice your thinking in order to maybe shift the experience that you're having in life all right let's get jump in for the last several weeks I've had this reoccurring thought that keeps running through my head and it sounds something like this change your thinking change your life and you know as I've been thinking about it one of the things that I feel like for me has been my greatest learning or my greatest uh ability to be able to shift or change things in my life that I wanted to change or to change my experience whether it's that I'm you know woke up this morning and I was in a bad mood and and usually our first response uh and I don't know about you but for me like I my first response is what's making me irritated what's frustrating me what's ticking me off right now and we kind of have a tendency to look out at our life and go who's to blame or what is to blame for how I'm experiencing what I'm experiencing right now and one of the one of the things that I've gotten into the habit of especially I would say in the last couple of years has been to really stop myself and ask myself a different question instead of looking out and asking myself what is it or who is it that's irritating me or frustrating me but but actually asking like kind of the question behind that like what is it that's going on for me that has me feel frustrated and if it's not that situation or if it's not that person what is it that you know what is it that I'm really afraid of or what is it that I'm disappointed about or what is it that has that angst going on for me and it's really interesting because sometimes I come up with answers like well that really upsets me or frustrates me about them but I think that it's going to make me look really bad with that client or I'm afraid that if they're not doing that thing the way I want him to do it that it's going to mean that I'm going to have to have more work done on me or I will give you an example very recently um I was really frustrated with my husband and I was really frustrated by the fact that he had not done something that I had asked him to do and I got to you know I woke up one morning and I was was super irritated about it and I was really frustrated and I'm like oh it must be all about him and so I like kind of let him know I was really frustrated and angry and so on and so forth and then a little bit later I was like why did that bother me so much I could have approached that conversation from a lot of different places why was I so upset about it and what and it made me stop and go what was I not communicating about that situ ation and what I realized is I gave him sort of like this level of communication about why that was important to me but there was actually another level of conversation I could have had about well I got all these things going on and I'm afraid if that doesn't get done that this won't get done and then I'm going to have to pick it up and I'm feeling over really overwhelmed and as I started to think more through it the truth was I was just feeling really overwhelmed and instead of going I'm really overwhelmed and going to him and going I really need your help can we talk about this um I'm not sure why this isn't working or what's the hold up but here's what's going on for me and you know what it did is it makes me when I can stop and I can observe my own behavior when I can stop and and when I'm and you know and I when I say like observe you know uh change your thinking change your life when I can think about something differently rather than feel victimized by what's happening outside of me when I can take 100% responsibility and when I say responsibility just to be clear I mean the ability to respond I don't mean shame blame and fault so a lot of times when we hear the word responsibility we think fault or blame and really truly it just means the ability to respond so when I'm able to take 100% responsibility from my own experience in the moment and really look at what's going on for me and look at my thinking that is driving my behavior that sometimes what I can if I'm willing to take responsibility for my own experience and start to really look at my thoughts that are driving my outward perspective then I can start to have a different conversation so with my husband I went back to him and I said so here's all what's going on for me I know I'm I'm frustrated about that and I got that thing that we had that exchange about that I wanted to get done didn't get done so on and so forth and we could have you know maybe there's different ways that that could have happened and it was true he didn't do it but my reaction had more to do with what was going on internally for me and when I was willing to stop and notice my own experience and ask myself the question what's really going on for me I was able to go and have a different kind of conversation and a different result because now it was like I was inviting him into the conversation I had a similar conver similar situation happened with somebody on my team recently where I was super frustrated I was you know I was really like irritated by the fact that they had not done some things that they said they were going to do and when I looked at it more closely and I was willing to take responsibility for my part and start to notice my own thinking of well it's you you you or there's something else that's you know there's something wrong here yes there was something wrong here but when I was willing to also take responsibility for it and notice my own thinking and really start to ask more questions of myself why I was irritated then I could start to get into a deeper more meaningful and useful conversation with her about what needed to change and what needed to shift so uh you know I I am sharing this with you because sometimes I think that we kind of go with just the first thing that comes to our mind or that we get into reaction to how we're thinking whatever those immediate thoughts are without stopping and asking the question why am I feeling that way why am I why does that upset me why does that bug me what is it and sometimes here's the here's the truth this is the part about taking responsibility the truth is sometimes when we're willing to stop and ask that question a little deeper it's like we're upset with ourselves we're disappointed with ourselves the situation with my husband the situation of the person on my team I when I was when I was at willing to ask myself the question why is it upset me and I was willing to take responsibility at the same time then I could start to see well it was really my stuff my angst my my frustration with myself that I hadn't you know done something but when I can take responsibility in that way I can now start to be at more choice and that's the thing that's such a blessing and a great thing about personal responsibility is that when we take personal responsibility and having that ability to respond we can start to have much more agency over our lives and really start to transform our experience of day-to-day living and we can transform how our relationships are because we're no longer in a victim we're no longer victims of what's happening around us and um so I I have a quote that I want to share with you by Margaret thater and I just love this quote and she starts and she says watch your thoughts for they become your words watch your words for they become your actions watch your actions for they become your habits and watch your habits for they become your character and your character becomes your destiny so what we think we become so I um I just first time and I read that years ago the first time I read it it just really resonated with me um because it's you know again when we can start to observe like what's the what's the thoughts in our head and really start to evaluate and ask ourselves the question is that is that re really useful is that what I believe am I you know and and taking personal responsibility that those two things can really uh change your thinking change your life like start to let you make different choices um and I'm going to add here too I think that includes like the selft talk the negative chatter that we have in our head um about ourselves uh or about other people um to really stop you know like the situation with Tim my husband or the situation with somebody on my team you know looking at them and and the conversation I was having about them to stop and go is that really true is that a useful conversation which is where the part about taking responsibility really helps um in terms of Shifting that so um so just notice it notice if you're you know that's my invitation to you notice if you're you know your negative selft talk about yourself or other people people is just really be willing to consider is that really true and is it maybe not true and is there something else that I want to understand or know is there some other question that I want to ask is there something else that's really going on all right I hope you found this to be maybe found some inspiration maybe found some some little nugget uh within today's conversation uh make sure if you like uh the content in this podcast to subscribe or follow me below and and uh I look forward to seeing you next time on the propit builder unscripted thanks for being here today