The Profit Builder Unscripted

Meetings That Matter: Finding Clarity

Vicki Suiter Episode 20

Ever feel like you're juggling a million things in your business, trying to keep track of projects and team updates in your head?

I totally get it. It can be overwhelming, right? I recently had this "aha" moment that I just had to share with you. It's all about the power of regular team meetings.

I know, I know, meetings can sometimes feel like a drag. But hear me out!

Here's the game-changer: setting up consistent meetings with your key team members can work wonders. We're talking about:

  • Scheduling them at the same time each week or bi-weekly
  • Having a clear agenda
  • Getting updates on ongoing projects
  • Making smart agreements with specific actions and deadlines

The result? You'll feel way more in control, your stress levels will drop, and your team will be more accountable and prepared. It's like magic!

Want to learn how to make this work in your business? Check out the full episode where I break it down step by step. Trust me, your future self will thank you for giving this a try!


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welcome back to the profit Builder unscripted today we're talking about how do you reduce the level of angst and anxiety about following through with your team and getting your team and you on the same page consistently about deliverables all right let's jump[Music] in do you ever have the experience that sometimes you feel a little out of control with what's going on in your business and what do I mean by that like do you feel like you have people on your team doing different things and you're not exactly sure where things stand with projects and and you know you're you're having conversations with people like maybe one at a time but you're you kind of like you're having to hold on to all of these pieces and all this information and sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming or just timec consuming to try to remember all of it I recently had this experience with somebody on my team and I was reminded as I then had this conversation with a client who I noticed was having the same problem with some people on his team and it occurred to me that I had not been doing something and neither had this client been doing something that I know makes a huge difference in our ability to be able to stay informed in a way that we're not having to sort of chase after information right we're not having to to keep it all in our head and remind uh uh be reminded or remind people about like well what about this what about that where does this stand where does that stand and you know a few episodes ago I talked about making smart agreements agreements that are specific measurable there's clear accountability realistic and time driven and uh and and you're certainly welcome to go back and listen to that because it's really a powerful tool in terms of how we conduct meetings but this is actually sort of a step before that which is are we having regular meetings with our team what like what I was reminded of last week was I know that when I have consistent meetings set up with my teams at regular intervals whether that's once a week once every other week in of construction when I'm talking with clients it's like if it's your production team and your for and like are you having meetings every single solitary week ideally the same time so that it's not like you know one of those things that becomes a moving Target that when you consistantly have meetings with clear agendas that has your team updating you on where things stand it makes a huge difference in terms of your ability to be able to know where things are at and that you're not having to like live in this like confused state or like overwhelmed sense of well is that done or is that done or like do I have to check on that do I have to call on that do I have to follow up on that like having a consistent meeting with your key team players can make all the difference in the world in terms of you knowing that there's a form and a format and a time and a place when things are going to get followed up on um so what happened with this person on my team is I have all these different projects that I've got outstanding with them and it's and it's what I had done is I kind of got lazy about making sure that we were regularly meeting and that we had an agenda set for those meetings of hey I want an update on what's going on with all of these all these projects that you're working on and we use a project board we use Trello that tracks those things but I also found that um like it without having a form and format for us to meet regularly it was a little bit hit and miss as to well were the boards getting updated or were there other emails that I sent with requests or information that I needed or so on and so forth and so one of the things that I have put back into place is is we now have a regularly scheduled meeting now we don't need to meet every week this person on my team just the work scope doesn't require it but when I when I sat down and we had a meeting and we went through this you know I had all these things that were on my on the top of my head of requests that I knew IID made or like projects that we were in middle of or things that hadn't gotten answered or follow through that had to happen and so on and so forth I got it all on the agenda and when we sat down and met first of all it got it all out of my head when I when we were really clear about the agenda and then secondly before we ever met I said hey would you go up update the status on all of this and then we set another meeting at the end of that meeting so that we know we have a follow-up time now one of the other things that was really important which again I talked about this a couple of of podcast gu episodes ago is making sure that when we're done with our meeting that there's a specific what actions we're going to be taken and by when that's the smart agreements right specific measurable there's clear accountability they're realistic and they're time driven any agreements that got made at the end of that meeting we captured and there's always a by when date when things will be done super important so we have an agenda and we always get agreements with a specific what and by when at the end of every meeting so reimplementing that practice but just scheduling the meeting I just noticed that my sense of angst went way down when we had the meeting I was like it was clear we were on the same page about what was going on we scheduled another meeting again for a couple of weeks out so now I know when we're going to be meeting again on it like so just you know I I wanted to share this with you because what I see is contractors I work with who do this regularly with the especially like with their foren their superintendents their project managers their finance department their marketing department their estimators like there those everybody every key player in each department when they are regular and consistent about having those meetings their operations flow much more smoothly and I noticed that their anxiety goes way down everybody's anxiety goes way down because now everybody's not operating on it's just another conversation that we had and hopefully it got done and did it get follow through and so on and so forth if you have meetings with clear accountability with an agenda that when you start every meeting you start with well what did you say you were going to get done at the last meeting did it get done why not if not why not what's next and then going through the agenda of other items and then you have a to-do list at the end of every meeting the more you I I see that when we as Leaders manage our our teams that way the more consistent results we get from our team but also the less anxiety that we have as Leaders to try to keep all of that in our head right or to chase after people for results so you know one thing that you might look at is do you have those regular meetings with your team and uh and and do you have an agenda and is you know are you checking what what open items are there from the last meeting making sure that you know you have uh action items at the end of every meeting with a specific what and a buy when just those few simple things I uh I just they they make such a difference in our ability As Leaders to have more peace of mind more clarity and you know what here's the in thing it helps our teams also be clear about what they're accountable for and when you know you have a meeting with somebody right like you're going to come prepared to the meeting with what it is that you know you're going to be asked about right um so I just find that when I'm consistent about that and when I see clients who are contractors who are consistent about that operations of your business run much more smoothly and our anxiety level and our team's anxiety level quite frankly goes way down because now there's an existence system for managing our agreements with each other and staying on the same page with each other all right I hope this has been helpful just uh uh my my learning for the week or my relearning for the week uh wanted to share this with you and I look forward to seeing you next time on the profit Builder unscripted make sure to follow or subscribe below so that you don't miss another episode all right we'll see you next time

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