The Profit Builder Unscripted

Beyond words…sharing the human side of construction leadership

Vicki Suiter Episode 12

I'm super excited to share with you a special episode of our podcast. I sat down with my long-time associate, Dortha, to chat about why I made the switch from blogging to podcasting and what has changed in me as a result.

It's been quite a journey, and I wanted to give you all a peek behind the curtain where Dortha and I talk about…

  • Why listening to your gut instinct can lead to amazing opportunities, even if it's scary at first.
  • How podcasting allows me to connect with you all on a deeper, more personal level
  • The importance of sharing our stories and experiences as leaders in the construction industry.

I open up about my passion for helping folks in our industry succeed and how this podcast is a big part of that mission. It's all about creating a space where we can learn from each other's challenges and celebrate our wins together.

So, whether you're a long-time listener or just stumbling upon us, I think you'll find some nuggets of wisdom and maybe even a bit of inspiration in this episode. Give it a listen and let me know what you think!


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welcome back to the profit Builder unscripted I'm super excited about today's episode where we're going to talk about how do you start to listen to the gut instinct to make changes in your business or in your life and trust yourself in the process all right let's jump in a little while back my associate Dortha he asked me if I would be interested in recording a podcast around why am I doing this podcast what's unique about it and what has inspired me wanting to do it and I like the idea because sometimes we just listen to podcasts or you know it's just information that's flowing through and you know I'm doing it for a very intentional reason and part of the different aspects of it I'm doing with a very intentional purpose and I wanted to share that with you I thought that it was a great request and um and I and so this is uh dorotha interviewing me and asking me those questions around why am I doing this and what's the purpose of it so Dortha and I have been working together for well over 10 years now um she's amazing she's my uh my go-to person for a whole bunch of different things in my business and I am so grateful for you so thank you for all you do and thanks for asking me to uh you to do this and I I'm just excited to sort of jump in yeah it's my pleasure and thanks for allowing the space to uh have this conversation because I think it's going to be fun to share and learn what prompted you to do this so I'll just Dive Right In so tell us what prompted you to shift from doing a Blog to a podcast well um you know I've been doing the blog for a very long time and I really enjoyed it for a lot of years and it the focus of it had a lot to do with training and teaching and while I in my heart of hearts I'm really totally a trainer and a teacher and and there's a lot of um what I love to do and uh to be able to help people build better businesses and be more efficient and all those good things you know at my heart I'm also a coach and I realized that in my coaching is the whole idea that how we think really starts to drive our behavior and when we can start to have different thinking about how we approach business or how we approach building a team or managing people or doing sales or running our businesses in general when we have the thinking we can start to have a different behavior and I realized so one of the reasons was that I wanted to have a platform for being able to talk more about hey like what is it to be a leader what is it to run a business and what are the things that can really help you in that Journey that's not just about the tactics and the tools which the blog is still around and all those tactics and tools are still there but how do we start to share a different level of conversation about what is it like to be a leader what is it like to be a business owner um so that was number one I really wanted to shift it so that it was more that it was not just about a head thing and learning and tactics and strategies but it really started to shift down to more of a heart thing that has to do with communicating and sharing at the level of our shared Humanity um so that was one and two um I really wanted to be able to reach more people and my blog if you get my emails that you know an email would be going to you and you would get notification that the blog was there or if you happen to do a search and fall on the you know on the website or if you saw YouTube video you might see the blog but I also realized there was a bit of a limited reach in what I could do with a Blog and I could reach more people and serve more people with a podcast so those are the two big reasons why I shifted from a Blog format to a podcast awesome so you touched on it a little bit bit about the heart and the head and I would love to hear you share a little bit more about the distinction of listening to the heart and not just the head yeah well part of my realization was that um I think that we that people we connect with people at the level of how we have people how we make people feel or how we connect with them in our and our humanness or our realness or authenticity that um one of the things that occurred to me and you know and I it wasn't like I woke up one day with this it was really like I've been on this journey of growing myself as a human being and really looking at what's the difference that I want to make in the world and what is the what is the contribution that I'm making and one of the thoughts that occurred to me is that people don't care so much about what you say I mean they do but people really care about how you make them feel and it really started me looking at do I spend very much time communicating from my heart or do I spend most of my time communicating from my head and when I do one-on-one coaching work with people there's a lot of that like connecting with people at a heart level that's are in really like our shared humanity and really connecting with people at a more personal level then there is when I'm doing a the blog let's say or if I'm writing an article or sending an email and what I realized is that if my goal in life is to be able to touch move and Inspire as many people as possible to make a difference in their lives and in their businesses I needed to start Shifting the conversation from one of being super heady to one of how do I connect with people how do I relate to people more with what they're dealing with day in and day out and and uh and that that has been really important and it's really started to shape how I do the podcasts and what I'm talking about and what I'm sharing about is um really more about like the journey right the journey that we all on as As Leaders as business people as human beings um I think that uh it's super important and the more we can share at that level the more I can share at that level I think the more impact I can have to change people's lives and again that's a goal of mine um it's what it's it's why I do what I do yeah so you're talking a little bit about Legacy right it's a little bit what I I'm hearing there um so why do you think people sharing their stories is so important I think it has people sharing their stories has to do with our shared Humanity I I think that when we share our stories it helps us know that we're not alone you know one of the things that's really been uh running through my head for several months that I there's a podcast to be recorded about just this topic which is you know we're like we've got this constant critic that runs in our head that you know I'm I should be more of or better or smarter or faster or you know such and so does it better than me or you know like there's this Con instant press that I think we put on ourselves and I think a lot of times that we look at other people and go wow that person's got it figured out or wow you know I'll never be as good as he or she and the whole thing about having people share their stories I think is a way for us to understand that a we're not alone that you know a lot of times our greatest learning comes from our greatest breakdowns and when our when we can share about our greatest learnings as it relates to some of our greatest breakdowns or some of our greatest challenges I think it has us not feel so alone I think it has us feel like um other people understand our world um I think it gives us encouragement and hope for the fact that we can um be we can we can that maybe we're not like we're not as bad as we think we are well and I also think that it helps us not feel so alone and that I think is super important because I think leadership I think business ownership is a I think leadership I think business ownership is a very can be a very lonely journey and I think that the more we can share our stories the more that we can share our learning and our growth that I think it gives us hope and encouragement about um who we can potentially become and I think that um a that uh we don't give ourselves enough credit for who we are where we've come to and what we have accomplished I think we focus too much on what we haven't done I think compare is really a you know a challenging thing that doesn't really serve us and so I think the more I can break those things down and I can help people um have more appreciation and Grace for themselves and feel a sense of com Rader and connection with their fellow business owner I think the more we then then it creates an environment where people feel more supported and empowered and encouraged yeah yeah I love that so talk a little bit about why you're so passionate I mean I can feel it and I I'm sure everyone can feel it that's listening to this so tell me why you're so passionate about this podcast I'm really passionate about this podcast because I'm super excited about um a the direction it's going right I'm super excited about starting to do these interviews and I've been talking with more and more people and having people share their stories and that's been super fun um I've loved that sense of connection with people at more of a down to earth level um just sharing myself that's felt really good and I'm I'm passionate about all of that because um my commitment to the construction industry is to help people um be able to succeed at what they at whatever it is that they want to succeed at and I believe that as human beings um we are so much greater than what we give ourselves credit for and that if I can provide a platform for people to um a appreciate themselves more B have the sense of feeling of support and encouragement um along the path that if I can give them some tools and resources and and um a way and uh an opportunity to be able to get closer and accomplish what they want to accomplish then I've done my work um this is my life's work is to serve this industry and to elevate people's um ability to be able to have the success that they desire and um like I said you know I really being able to reach as many people as possible to be able to support that um I I'm super excited about that I and that's why I'm super excited about doing the podcast because I feel like it's creating this greater opportunity and opening for being able to contribute to people awesome so what advice would you have for someone who's feeling like a nudge or a poll to do something different what suggestions would you have for them oh my suggestion for somebody who is has a pull or a nudge to do something different would be to first of all listen to it this was not changing to from doing the blog to doing a podcast it was a much bigger um Endeavor than I originally thought it was and it was a little bit scary to do it um and any time that we put ourselves out there in a bigger way or take you know put a bigger steak in the ground it can be really scary and yet the thing that I have learned um over and over again it seems is that when I get that nudge when that voice in my head says you you just need to do this you really need to do this that listening to it um is like like it's not there by accident like we get those nudges because the universe is telling us that there's something else that we should do and I get that it's scary and I think when we go ahead and do it anyway um some really amazing things can come out of it and even if we don't know what we're doing like when I started this podcast like you know dorotha can attest to this like we flailed we struggled we you know we went we ended up changing platforms Midstream like we we went through some challenges and I learned some things and I grew and we all grew in the process um that I'm like not for a second do I regret any of it because every part of that that struggle has made us better at what we do and we've learned a ton and I feel in some ways we're much better at the whole podcast thing than we were at the blog thing because of the challenges we've had to face so I think that you know when we have a nudge listening to it and taking that action can sometimes give Us rewards that are far beyond whatever we thought was possible when you know instead of like staying with with I know what I know being willing to um listen to your gut I think can create some really beautiful amazing things in our lives and it's certainly been true for me over the years and I'm really grateful to have listened to this nudge and to done this and to have done you know this change with the with doing the podcast because I I just know in my heart that um it will it will better serve what my ultimate goal is in life absolutely so I think my last question is just to you know do you want to leave any parting words or how do people get in touch with you how can they become a guest on the show any of that so what I would say is if you're a couple of things if you're looking to reach me you w to um chat um find out more about what it is that I do you can reach me at Vicki Bic k at sud bus busb um and the other thing I would say is if you're I would love to have you as a guest on the show if you're somebody who has a story that kind of sticks out for you where you go you know what this thing happened in my life and it really changed how I do business it changed how I live my life it changed me in some way that I'm grateful for and it's that whole thing I had some breakdown that really created this great breakthrough through some some or some event that happened that changed how you think or how you how you operate in your business and in your life I would love to interview you for the podcast um and reach out to me I can explain to you what the process looks like it's pretty simple um if you listen to the podcast uh you'll you'll hear some people's interviews and hear kind of how that looks and how it sounds and it doesn't have to be something dramatic and you know and uh yeah doesn't have to be something dramatic it could just be something that like was like just like you shifted how you were seeing life or how you were doing business that really has positively impacted you and your business and your life and um I think the last thing I would just say is if you know of anybody else who is in the construction industry who could get value from listening to the podcast please share it um like I said my goal is to be able to support and impact in a positive way as many lives as I can um through this medium and in the work that I do I I love working with contractors I think contractors are some of the smartest people I know love uh this industry and I really um am so grateful that I've had the opportunity to impact it in a positive way so if you know somebody else who can get value from this please share it

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