The Profit Builder Unscripted

How to Stop Micromanaging

Vicki Suiter Episode 10

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During our recent podcast production, I noticed an issue arising and instinctively wanted to micromanage my team's response. Thankfully, I recognized this impulse and chose a different approach.

Our latest episode, "How to Stop Micromanaging," explores how this shift in my mindset led to an unexpected outcome. Not only did we find a superior solution, but it also shifted my leadership approach.

Join us to discover practical strategies for overcoming micromanagement tendencies. This simple yet powerful change can revolutionize your leadership effectiveness.

[Tune in now for invaluable insights on becoming a more empowering leader!]


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welcome back to the profit Builder unscripted this week we're talking about how do you get your team back on track to taking ownership and how do you avoid that habit that we have of falling into the role of micromanager all right let's jump[Music] in so my learning or re-remembering this week has been around this topic of how do we as leaders and managers uh keep ourselves from slipping back into these micromanagement habits and you know I found myself yesterday that was actually a couple days ago where I was like saw these emails going back and forth with my team and that there were some issues that were coming up and I was feeling like I needed to insert myself in the middle of it and I started to notice that I was wanting to start directing how people needed to take action or to address certain issues and then I kind of after the first email I caught myself thankfully and I stopped myself and I went okay what's the go what's the goal here um and are is my actually just firing off things for my team to do really helping and supporting them in being able to understand how to manage the bigger issue here or more importantly stay aligned with our goals or do I have this picture in my head about what the goal is and I'm just firing off information and so this had to do with um this had to do with the podcast and it had to do with really being clear about what the goal of the podcast is and why are we doing this and having that frame start to have me rethink about what it is that we needed to do in terms of the tactical stuff and so I sent a retraction email to my team and particularly to Dortha who's driving this project and I said hey um let's just revisit this conversation tomorrow I think that um I'm trying to solve a problem that I I really don't need to be solving and I need your input on it and I really want to just put a pause button on it for a minute and as we started to have the conversation just this morning about our right like what is it that really is our goal what's Our intention like before we ever start to try to go in solve problems are we remembering what our intent is what our goal is and let us make decisions from there and so as we started the conversation I just you know I said let us both remember um that our goal and our purpose in the in the podcast is that what we're doing is we're serving people we're providing in people a framework to be able to support them in as business owners and leaders in the construction industry to help them build better businesses and have better lives and to help and support them in growing and learning and thriving in their businesses and their lives and that what we want to do is make sure that we can reach the maximum number of people possible in order to be able to have the greatest reach possible we're not trying to sell something something we're not trying to use it as a lead magnet we're not trying to you know we're like that really is the intention and to make it as easily as available to people as possible and so with that framework around what was our goal and what's Our intention then it really started what I just noticed is that the rest of the conversation I just started asking her questions and the ability for she and I to talk through different things for me to be able to like let go and just go okay with that being our goal and our attention what do you think needs to happen in this situation or that and the tactics and the mechanics of whatever the issue was doesn't really matter but what I just my observation was that our ability to her ability to be able to much more easily and fluidly answer the question with a bigger context of what's our goal what's Our intention was really very you know like I just saw and heard some things first of all because I shut up and I listen long enough without having to like insert my opinion that I first asked her what she thought I was really impressed by like she had some thoughts about all of this that were completely outside of my thinking about it and I was like oh that's awesome that's a completely different direction that given your thinking makes much more sense than whatever I was going to offer up to do and the so that was the first thing is that it offered up some you know better Solutions than whatever I had and secondly is like that by elevating the conversation for the two of us but I think that it really became a much more creative conversation that flowed more easily with solutions that made it made that conversation go much more smoothly had us be much more creative we got through things more quickly we weren't you know kind of bogged down if you will in the minutia always with the background conversation because I know I don't know if this happens to you but it happens for me like if I'm not really clear about why are we doing this or what are what's the purpose or is this the right thing to do like that second guessing thing that happens that happens so much more often when I'm not clear about what my goal or my intention is like I think I'm supposed to do it a right way as opposed to what is the best thing that's going to that we can do right now based on what we know given our our goal and Our intention so the whole thing of setting goals and intention is my learning for this week which is before ever embark on trying to solve a problem as a manager as a business owner as a leader and the same thing for my team is if we're coming from that place I think it creates a lot more opening for creativity and you know as a contractor you already know this the whole thing of what are we building to right like what's the blueprint what's the schematic what is it going to look like when it's done what's important to the client what's you know what's our overarching design style or you know theme or what's the important feel that we're going for when you know that on a project right when you're really clear about those it really helps you along the way to um um you know to solve problems or to get back on track with what what's our ideal outcome and so I think as managers and leaders that you know that's really helpful for us too to just remember when we're engaged with our team um I'm trying trying to problem solve or you know whether it's one-on-one or it's a group I I just I just really experience such power in this today in seeing how it made such a difference in my experience about how I was approaching this in the last couple days versus how we approached this conversation today and and really got to a much more creative answer than anything I could have come up with on my own so um I hope you know the that maybe this is something that will help you this week um in your journey as a leader and if you are finding this content to be helpful and valuable to you would you please share it with somebody that you know who you think could also get value from it and I encourage you to make sure to follow me on whatever your favorite podcast platform is or subscribe on YouTube and um I look forward to seeing you next time

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