The Profit Builder Unscripted

The Secret to Delegating Well

June 03, 2024 Vicki Suiter Episode 2
The Secret to Delegating Well
The Profit Builder Unscripted
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The Profit Builder Unscripted
The Secret to Delegating Well
Jun 03, 2024 Episode 2
Vicki Suiter

In this podcast episode, I dive into the challenge of delegating well to our teams.

Last week, I asked my team to take on a bigger leadership role, only to realize I was still holding on to control.

This journey taught me the importance of clear communication and trust in delegation. I learned to set clear intentions and outcomes, which led to incredible results.

Tune in to hear more about my experience and how these changes can help you grow your business too. Listen now and take your team to the next level!


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Show Notes Transcript

In this podcast episode, I dive into the challenge of delegating well to our teams.

Last week, I asked my team to take on a bigger leadership role, only to realize I was still holding on to control.

This journey taught me the importance of clear communication and trust in delegation. I learned to set clear intentions and outcomes, which led to incredible results.

Tune in to hear more about my experience and how these changes can help you grow your business too. Listen now and take your team to the next level!


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If you love listening to this podcast, please leave a review in Apple Podcasts.

hey welcome back to the profit Builder unscripted I'm super excited you're here and today we're going to be talking about how do you delegate in a way with your team to ensure that they actually produce the results that you want so let's jump[Music] in hey so last week I um shared that I have been making the shift in my business where I've asked my team to take on more of a leadership role with me and um really Drive some different pieces of what happens in my business and and part of what I shared about was the fact that I you know I talk to people about this all the time and that sometimes making that transition in our businesses is difficult and um so just like this week I just wanted to talk about like what did I not what have I noticed since I made that request it's been about a week since I made that request to my team and what am I noticing about myself and what am I noticing about them um so first of all one of the things that I had asked um somebody on my team to do was to um do this whole section of writing that I um I didn't want to have to like micromanage it anymore and I was like I trust you we've been you know talking about this for a while and training about it for a while and earlier this week um Dortha sent me uh you know a note saying she was working on something and I said hey why don't you send it to me and I'll look it over and approve it before you publish it and then about an hour later I was like wait a minute like I just told her last week that I was not going to micromanage this process anymore and part of what I realized too at that moment was um I had said I want you to handle this but I also realized that I didn't necessarily give her like a full description of what it is that I wanted to happen what was my intention what was my goal my intended outcome in that particular communication and it made me realize that one of the things I think can be really helpful when we're asking people to delegate on our team is to be or when we're delegating to somebody on our team that we're really clear about have we given them the complete instructions they need in order to be able to execute in a way that we would like them too so part of what I you know when I I sent her back an email and I said hold up like I just noticed that I took back what I said I wasn't you know I what I wasn't going to do but let me add this piece of information for you so that maybe you understand more about what my intended goal and my intended outcome is of this communication and so I kind of gave her an overview of hey you know our goal is to communicate this information um what I what my intention is is to people to hear it from this place to be able to um take some action on it so I kind of gave her some more information about if I was sitting down and writing it what would I first do I would first be clear about what's the intent of this communication what do I want it to communicate what do how do I want it to land over there and what's you know what's the what's the goal right what's the goal is there some action that I want people to take and so I communicated that to her I sent that to her in an email and I said you do not need to send it to me for review I trust you like just needed to catch myself and um and I sent it to her and I just said but here's a little bit more information the next day I got this email and it was spoton like it was probably better than the email I would have written and so it was just a great reminder for me and I just wanted to share this with you is you know when you're when you're looking to delegate with when we're looking to delegate with our teams and we're looking to have them take on more ownership and Leadership there is the distinction of I've abdicated and I just lobbed it over there and said hey you go handle this and then there's delegating in a way that we provide them enough information that they understand what the intended outcome is what the intended goal is what the you know what our intention is and what we want to have accomplished and what's the result we're after and I think that that's so important because I think a lot of times we forget to um communicate about the result result we just communicate about the task and so it was a great reminder for me about two things one when I said it's yours it's really yours a b to give her enough information I gave dorotha enough information that she was able to do a great job and that she understood what the intended outcome or result was so um maybe there's something in that for you as you're looking to um you know grow business and grow your team and have people around you take more ownership that this is just one of those little pieces for us to remember of a don't take it back and B how can we be really clear about what the intended goal and outcome is all right I hope you think uh you found this to be helpful for you today and I look forward to seeing you next time on the profit Builder unscripted