The Profit Builder Unscripted

Welcome to the Profit Builder Unscripted

May 21, 2024 Vicki Suiter
Welcome to the Profit Builder Unscripted
The Profit Builder Unscripted
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The Profit Builder Unscripted
Welcome to the Profit Builder Unscripted
May 21, 2024
Vicki Suiter

This week I launched a new podcast titled “The Profit Builder Unscripted” and I will no longer be producing a weekly blog. 

This change is way more than a shift in platforms!

This podcast is about being more real and connecting with you in ways that speak more to our shared humanity, and the journey of being business owners and leaders. It’s about finding the path to more peace, prosperity, and joy in our businesses and our lives.

Listen to the episode to learn more about the great changes coming, and make sure to subscribe to the podcast!


Connect with Vicki on social media:

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Show Notes Transcript

This week I launched a new podcast titled “The Profit Builder Unscripted” and I will no longer be producing a weekly blog. 

This change is way more than a shift in platforms!

This podcast is about being more real and connecting with you in ways that speak more to our shared humanity, and the journey of being business owners and leaders. It’s about finding the path to more peace, prosperity, and joy in our businesses and our lives.

Listen to the episode to learn more about the great changes coming, and make sure to subscribe to the podcast!


Connect with Vicki on social media:

If you love listening to this podcast, please leave a review in Apple Podcasts.

Welcome to the profit Builder unscripted I'm Vicki Suiter your host and if you're watching this you've probably seen my last few emails that I sent out that said hey something different is coming well it's here and what is it that is different what's different than what I've been doing before well first of all you may have noticed that the name is different um I added unscripted at the end of it and why did I do that well there's this thing that's been going on for me for a little while in terms of my business and the work that I've been doing and particularly around the blogs and the videos that I've been doing and I've noticed that for a long while now they have shown up more like a thing to do and something to check off of a checklist and actually a lot of my life has been showing up for me that way for quite a while and it's just not particularly rewarding and fun and there was this little thing in the back of my head that I knew that if I was having that experience with it that it was a pretty good chance that it was showing up for you as somebody who was maybe watching or reading that it was a little scripted it was a little um uh forced it was a little like yeah controlled or like there was a lack of connection with it and that really bothered me because I do this work and I and I uh I I want to put this content out here because I love what I do and you know having having worked in this industry in the construction industry for over 25 years having helped hundreds of contractors build great businesses love what they do again have more time in their day like that's why I do it because I want to be able to help as many people as possible have that experience in their business and in their lives and what I noticed was I was not having that experience in my life and my business and I and I really kind of sensed that what I was doing was not particularly empowering in the way that I was doing it now listen I got a great a lot of great content I got a lot of great stuff that I've you know tools and resources and and information up here in my head that I know is useful but I also know that if it's not being communicated in a way that you can really hear it in the way that you can feel it in a way that you know I always think that you know before we can actually change our practices we first have to change how we think because it's in how we think that our thoughts ultimately Drive our actions and um and that's really my job my job here with you is to create an opening and a connection with you in a way that you can see a different possibility than the one that's presently in front of you and so what I'm shifting is I'm going to spend less time up here um talking about this stuff and more time communicating from here about um what I know is important to you and important to me and important to us as human beings important to us as business owners important as us as Leaders about um what it is that we collectively want to do together and what you know that that we all want to have a sense of contribution value belonging and mattering and that um ultimately that's where I I believe in my heart that I can best serve you and so I'm so the the videos in the the you know recordings that you hear or you watch or the things that you read from me uh my commitment is to create a change and a change that is for the better and one that is more connecting to you and one that is better serving to you and what I know will happen in the process for me is that I'm gonna start having more fun in my business like and I'm gonna have more fun doing this process like even just the idea that um you know some of these videos might be you know or or recordings might be interviews with people they might be me riffing on something that's like occurred to me that week it might be something from a you know a meeting I had with a client or my Collective um it might be a lot of different things but what I ultimately always want to do is to make sure that it's serving to you and it's supportive to you and I'm going to continue to give you like cool tools and resources and free things um but we're going to have a little more Connection in the process and I'm going to invite you to engage with me in the process too because I really want to hear from you uh what res Ates what doesn't resonate you know if you don't like something tell me that if you like it tell me that if something um really resonates with you and you think it will resonate with somebody else I just ask that you share it um we are in this together we are in this together as uh in an industry that I have a deep care and commitment to supporting and having people's uh people's experience be one where it's elevated and that you as a contractor get the respect that you deserve um from yourself and from the people that you work with because um contractors are some of the smartest people that I know and I think that you uh don't give yourself nearly the credit that you deserve and also for the shared Humanity that we have that as human beings um there is a there's a shared Community there's a connection that we all have in wanting to be our best selves um in whatever way that we see that is best expressed for us and um sometimes we stug we we struggle and we stumble along the way and um I'm all about supporting each other as a community and as human beings and being our best selves so um I would love to hear from you and uh and I'm one of the things that I'd love to have happen is that if you want to be a GU on the profit Builder unscripted uh let me know please reach out to me I would you know if you have something that you want to share or some wisdom or some learning that you've had along the way that's helped you in your growth journey and your leadership Journey uh yeah please feel free to reach out and um I would I would love to hear from you so um I'm excited about what's in the what what the future is going to look like with us and for us and uh stay tuned.